Two Minute Turtle Timer™

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We've Been Washing All Wrong. Finally We've Got The Time on our Hands. Find out How to Wash Hands Correctly And Get Them Really Clean

At Last, We Have Time to Wash our Hands Correctly

With schools closed and fewer commutes, we have time to teach children and ourselves how to wash hands the right way. Not only can we, but we must, to stay healthy through the pandemic, washing for at least 20 seconds every time. Most of us have not made a practice of washing our hands for the full 20 seconds. And for kids, who are visual thinkers, 20 seconds is a long time. Kids and visual thinkers benefit from a count-down or a way to see and know when 20 seconds is up. Rather than singing the Happy Birthday song, kids and visual thinkers respond to visual cues. The new Two Minute Turtle Timer helps visual thinkers and kids wash hands for 20 seconds.

This new analog Turtle Timer is water-resistant and, like it’s predecessor, sticks to the bathroom mirror. Press the button, watch for the first flipper to blink, and wash with soap and water as long as the first flipper is blinking. Then, rinse while the second flipper blinks. There’s no need for screens in the bathroom.

Join the hand-washing healthy-habit brigade with the help of the new Two Minute Turtle Timer. Kids enjoy pushing the turtle’s button. Press, guess which flipper will blink first, and get scrubbing to keep us all healthy.

Designed by parents for parents. The Two Minute Turtle Timer works for toothbrushing too. For toothbrushing, brush the quadrant of teeth corresponding to the first blinking flipper for the full 2 minutes, then go on to brush the other quadrants, for two minutes each, as directed by the successive blinking flippers. Slow and steady wins this race.

Make healthy fun at home for parents and kids. The Two Minute Turtle Timer transforms daily habits like hand washing and toothbrushing