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128 Birch Street
Boston, MA, 02131
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(617) 390-4076

Invent Boston designs and develops original products to add science + whimsy to  every day tasks at home.   Our first product is a Two Minute timer, Two Minute Turtle, a visual timer. The Two Minute Turtle helps children and adults focus on two minute tasks such as brushing teeth, physical therapy, taking a shower and speaking (practicing a presentation or learning a language).

High Intensity Interval Training Turtle   HIIT

Invent Boston™, Home of the Two Minute Turtle Timer™

Invent Boston™ blog offers tips and stories by parents, for parents of children ages 4-12 to make toothbrushing and other healthy habits at home, more fun. We write about simple tactics to help kids do what they like to do-touch, seeing, play games and strive for independence. We recommend products to help stay healthy while being kids. We share stories to transform daily healthy habits from something kids resist (for example, toothbrushing, handwashing, toilet training, organizing, taking time-out or pausing, yoga, and taking turns) into something children are motivated to do independently, without parents’ reminders. The original physical product Invent Boston has designed for families is the new light-up Two Minute Turtle Timer, an analog, interval toothbrush timer to make brushing teeth fun for kids. Kids like to press the button, follow the flippers and brush until all the lights blink—the Victory Lap signals to brush the tongue.

High Intensity Interval Training Turtle HIIT

Virginia Berman

What’s a High Intensity Interval Turtle Trainer?

The Training Turtle looks the same as the Two Minute Turtle Timer but it’s programmed for high intensity training. It’s Invent Boston’s newest prototype and we’d like to know what you think.

So, the High Intensity Interval Turtle Trainer goes like this:

press the button once until it’s all done in 10 minutes

1st light: 1 minute warm up

2nd light: blinks faster 30 second work hard

3rd light: blinks faster 20 seconds work harder

4th light: blinks faster 10 seconds work as hard as you can

then it repeats the cycle of 30,20,10 3 more times.

And that whole 4 minute cycles automatically goes again. It ends with a 1 minute slow blinking warm down.

Read more about the benefits of a HIIT workout at New York Times article.

We will make it if we see enough interest from users. We look forward to hearing from you!