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Boston, MA, 02131
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Invent Boston designs and develops original products to add science + whimsy to  every day tasks at home.   Our first product is a Two Minute timer, Two Minute Turtle, a visual timer. The Two Minute Turtle helps children and adults focus on two minute tasks such as brushing teeth, physical therapy, taking a shower and speaking (practicing a presentation or learning a language).

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Invent Boston™, Home of the Two Minute Turtle Timer™

Invent Boston™ blog offers tips and stories by parents, for parents of children ages 4-12 to make toothbrushing and other healthy habits at home, more fun. We write about simple tactics to help kids do what they like to do-touch, seeing, play games and strive for independence. We recommend products to help stay healthy while being kids. We share stories to transform daily healthy habits from something kids resist (for example, toothbrushing, handwashing, toilet training, organizing, taking time-out or pausing, yoga, and taking turns) into something children are motivated to do independently, without parents’ reminders. The original physical product Invent Boston has designed for families is the new light-up Two Minute Turtle Timer, an analog, interval toothbrush timer to make brushing teeth fun for kids. Kids like to press the button, follow the flippers and brush until all the lights blink—the Victory Lap signals to brush the tongue.

Adorable Child Explains: How Two Minute Turtle Timer Helps Her Brush Teeth

Virginia Berman

A child tells why she loves the Two Minute Turtle Timer for brushing her teeth.

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Congratulations, Graduate!

Virginia Berman

What are the qualities of a good graduation gift? For kindergarten to high school, you want a gift with these features…

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The Turtle Timer is for Visual Thinkers!

Virginia Berman

Brushing teeth is hard for kids and with braces on teeth, it’s even harder. This young boy uses the Two Minute Turtle Timer every night for brushing his teeth. It’s why when he got his braces off his teeth are as white as ever. The Two Minute Turtle Timer makes brushing fun for kids as they’re learning how to brush teeth well. Kids like the lights and brush longer. The results are one beautiful smile.

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We Want You To Buy Less!

Virginia Berman

The new Two Minute Turtle Timer runs on batteries (2 AAA) so your Turtle Timer will last for years. Replace the batteries. Don’t throw it out. And you don’t need to buy another one to replace it, only buy another when you want a second one. Use it longer. Brush longer, better. We hope your success means fewer cavities and that also means spending less money, time and materials as well as less distress, on filling cavities.

With the Toothbrushing Turtle Timer you don’t need to buy another one….except when you want to have one in every bathroom (like we do!) or as a gift to give others. Until then, you’ll get the results you need for many years with just one Turtle Timer!

Turtle Timer is the secret treasure of parenting.

Turtle Timer is the secret treasure of parenting.

Seeking Marketing Intern!

Virginia Berman

Visit our website for more details

Invent Boston is Hiring!

What: Marketing Intern: Detail Oriented, Collaborative Worker

When: Mid May-August  2021 

Where: Remote

Goal of the position: Spur word of mouth in target regions and with target audiences. Introduce influencers to the Turtle Timer. 

How: Collaborate with the Executive Director and Research for Select New Sales Markets:  

  • Online gift & educational shops

  • Consumer ecommerce (Amazon, Etsy, InventBoston)

  • Children’s hospital buyers

Reach out to Social Media Influencers.

Find the right social media tools: promotion, short video, direct message to find and reach the “raising healthy young family” influencers

Criteria for influencers: 1000-10,0000 followers who would do a promotion/video to our target audience

  1. Create packet for influencers: freebies, samples, recognition

  2. Track and follow up with influencers

Find 25 Targeted towns.  

US towns with Turtles as tourist attraction

Test promotion campaign on instagram

Find and Get us into Holiday 2021 Online Gift Guides. 

Find, reach out to journalists who in 2020 published holiday gift guides for parents of kids ages 4-7 to write about the Turtle Timer. 

Work with the Executive Director of Invent Boston to collaborate and learn. 

Invent Boston is a small product design start-up. We prototype, invent, design, develop and market new physical products for families at home. Our products provide new and simple ways to make healthy habits more fun at home. The first product is the Two Minute Turtle Timer, award winning and successfully crowdfunded. The people who use the Two Minute Turtle Timer are children ages 4-14. The buyers are parents and grandparents of those children.  The sellers include online wholesale gift shops and ecommerce stores and hospitals.  

Compensation: stipend, based on experience

Please send your cover letter with why you are interested and relevant experience and skills. Include a resume, email to

Remembering Mother

Virginia Berman

Do you know a mother who takes care of others but may not take as good care of herself? What’s a mother’s day gift that will help her to take care of herself while continuing her desire to care for others? The Two Minute Turtle Timer will delight and give her the peace of mind that comes when kids become more independent.

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Your Words Are Much Better than Mine

Virginia Berman

Your Product Reviews of the Turtle Timer Matter!

It sounds a bit silly to love a timer, but the Turtle Timer does exactly what I wanted and that was hard to find. (9).png

“Completely solved the Tooth Brushing Battle.

She Named it Cindy.

And brushing teeth is a game now.

It’s magic.

I’m amazed.”

This was the review on Etsy from Ramona.

Thank you Ramona.

Any one of these sentences would make for a wonderful review. Put together and they cover all the bases!

  • It solved their problem.

  • Their little Turtle was such a companion they decided to name it!

  • How does it work for them? Not much more than this one word to say how it’s working: “magic”.

  • And how does the mom who took a chance and purchased this toothbrushing timer feel? Amazed.

Looking for a Little Green Gift this Earth Day?

Virginia Berman

Your Earth Day gift for kids, a Two Minute Turtle Timer

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How to inspire kids to conserve? Make it fun. The Two Minute Turtle Timer turns it into play. Here’s why it’s your Earth Day gift:

  1. The Color—green!

  2. It’s Long-lasting—Battery charged to use over and over, for years.

  3. Conserves energy-mental and dental energy. No more reminders from parents to brush teeth. And, if your results are like ours, no more cavities!

  4. Remind kids that they can do anything for 2 minutes. Start where we can—take 2 minutes to do something and begin to see possibilities for change!

The Two Minute Turtle Timer, a Metaphor for Life

Virginia Berman

Looking for an Earth Day gift for kids? It’s green, conserves your energy and battery charged.

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Graduation Gift for a Child with Special Needs

Virginia Berman

It sounds a bit silly to love a timer, but the Turtle Timer does exactly what I wanted and that was hard to find. (8).png

Are you shopping for a graduation gift for a child with special needs? Would you like a gift that both the child loves and you, the adult, love too? Something that will mark this milestone and help your child to continue to build independence?

The Two Minute Turtle Timer will help you both. It’s so simple that it doesn’t seem possible that a little timer can make such a difference. And not only is the Two Minute Turtle Timer effective at getting kids to want to do their healthy two minute tasks, but it’s adorable. And it uses no extra screen time.

We guarantee you will like it. After making 4500 Two Minute Turtle Timers we have 5-Star reviews from parents and their kids. The Turtle Timer gives kids a timer they can hold, own and have as a friendly companion for any short tasks they may rather not do. It starts with toothbrushing and goes on to physical therapy stretches, taking turns in a game or talking.

Little Toothbrushing Turtle Timer is Pulling its Weight

Virginia Berman

This review from KL in Cleveland Ohio must be seen.

Thank you to KL for taking time to post this 5-star review on a large e-commerce site, March 2021! We are so glad the Two Minute Turtle Timer is working for you all, and thank you for your customer reviews!

It sounds a bit silly to love a timer, but the Turtle Timer does exactly what I wanted and that was hard to find. (4).png

“I never write reviews, but I am compelled to share that this silly little toy has completely changed our nightly toothbrushing ritual from bargaining, whining, and so, so many prompts to "brush longer" and “make sure to get the back" and "just give me the toothbrush already" to….complete silence for two minutes. The different (turtle) legs light up to easily correspond to the different quadrants so that both my 6 and 3 year olds only needed one set of instructions before picking up on the idea. Now, there are times when they seem too quiet and independent that I get suspicious and check in, only to find them brushing the corresponding quadrant as the turtle EVERY time. I purposely waited over a month to post this review because I was sure the novelty was going to wear off, but instead it seems like quality toothbrushing has become habitualized. Never has a child gadget (toy) been this effective for this little money, I feel like I stumbled on the secret treasure of parenting, gifting me a few moments of peace in the nightly bedtime routine.”

While we are not addressing society’s biggest problems like economic inequality and systemic racism, there is real value in a moment of peace for parents at bedtime. That’s our role and the little Turtle Timer is pulling her weight. Thanks to all who write helpful reviews :).

Spring Turtles with Spring-Cleaning!

Virginia Berman

With the start of Spring comes a season of rebirth—and Spring-cleaning. What does Spring-cleaning look like for you?

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Every Spring in Boston, when the sun shines more brightly and we can start to open windows again, I’m motivated to clean those windows for a fresh start. Changing from Winter clothing requires cleaning the layers to be stored away, too. Cleaning is associated with Spring. Why not try the Two-Minute Turtle Timer as part of your Spring-cleaning mindset-shift?

Keeping our teeth clean is a year-round daily ritual, but improving dental results with the Turtle Timer is like the rewarding enhancement of Spring-cleaning. You’ll find that, with two minutes’ brushing with the Turtle Timer, you’ll clean your teeth more evenly and completely, and even—ENJOY the process. The Two-Minute Turtle Timer works for both adults and children.

I wouldn’t recommend the Turtle Timer if my family and I were not using it. In our household of two teens and two adults, as well as in our parents’ homes, Turtle Timers are used twice a day every day. Toothbrushing with the Turtle Timer is a habit for all seasons!

Toothbrushing Turtle Timer Gets 5-Star Review

Virginia Berman

It sounds a bit silly to love a timer, but the Turtle Timer does exactly what I wanted and that was hard to find. (7).png

Thank you for writing reviews of the Two Minute Turtle Timer—they mean the world to me. Your passion and ability to articulate how you enjoy your Turtle Timer offers new reasons to adore it! I wish I could thank each of you individually but I do not know who you are!

This review begins with, “This Turtle is spectacular.” That is a wonderful way to start a review and would suffice. And she goes on. I appreciate that she likes that the Toothbrushing Turtle Timer is “so basic” and comments on how it’s “ridiculously cute and easy”. As we try to explain to prospective customers what this simple device is and does. They’re surprised that, in these times of complicated instructions, privacy worries, and complex online devices, the Turtle is operated by pushing only one button—on the Turtle’s shell. Kids alone can turn their Turtles on and off.

There’s no blue tooth involvement or screen (to the disappointment of prospective investors). It has 2 settings: on and off. It has one operating time: two minutes. No need to set it to a certain time. It sits anywhere or sticks to the mirror. No fiddling or installing.

That this reviewer chooses the verb “love”. “They love it. I love it.”, is a very satisfying response.

How often does a new gadget do “exactly” what you want it to do? We so appreciate hearing that the Turtle has performed as advertised. It’s gratifying to know our message was clear.

It takes two to tango so if I could give 10 stars to this customer review, she would get it. Thank you to the mysterious @Mizpurplest for your spectacular review in March. We love it!

Hawaii Likes Sea Turtles

Virginia Berman

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Aloha! Have you ever been to Hawaii? It’s a place where people go, seeking a bit of paradise and, from what I can tell, they find it there! The photos are beautiful—the bright sunlight, the lush flora, the blue sky sea. And Hawaii has sea turtles!

Recently I got an inquiry from a store in Hawaii about the Two Minute Turtle Timer. They had been looking for products to offer that evoke the wonderful scenery of the islands, and thanks to the (good parts of the) Web, they found us! Now, the newest place in the US to carry the Two Minute Turtle Timer is a store on Hawaii with 10 shops called Soha Living. The Turtle Timer will be in their children’s shops.


If you are fortunate enough to find yourself in Hawaii, you may see that store and want to walk in. And if you go in, say “hi” as a friend of the Two Minute Turtle Timer. Let me know if you do go in, what they say, and what you think of the store—and I’ll mail you a Turtle Timer sticker!

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Virginia Berman

Why do we all need to read the story of the Tortoise and the Hare? Because it’s true!

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Brush Teeth for Just 10 Seconds....

Virginia Berman

New Dental Study says it’s OK to brush for just 10 seconds. Kids all around the world celebrate!….

New ADA study says it's OK to brush for 10 seconds! (1).png

April Fools! Dentist Associations say we all need to brush teeth for 2 minutes twice a day. So, let’s make those 2 minutes a little bit of fun and games. The Two Minute Turtle Timer makes 2 minutes of toothbrushing happen in a positive way—for parents and children. Jump start the new month with the Turtle Timer—or should we say, start it with a good crawl?! Slow and steady…

This Friendly Companion Makes Brushing Teeth More Fun

Virginia Berman

The Two Minute Turtle Timer is a companion for 2 minute tasks to help you focus.

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Make Healthy Sweet for Kids with Toothbrushing Turtle Timer

Virginia Berman

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A Unique Gift Child of Any Age!

Who is the Toothbrushing Two Minute Turtle Timer for? Is it just for kids? We all brush teeth and we’re supposed to brush for 2 minutes. At bedtime, 2 minutes can feel like a long time. This toothbrush timer makes time go by quickly. The Turtle Timer is adorable and tactile and has the “wow” effect! It’s practical so the benefits of the Turtle Timer will last long after you first try it. Your bright smile will shine on because of it. Here is list of who the Two Minute Turtle Timer makes a good gift for:

  1. The one whose smile you love: Keep their Smile Shining with the Toothbrush Turtle Timer!

  2. Adults: Did you know—No Cavities is the new sexy? Give a Turtle Timer to keep their smile shining!

  3. Kids: an adorable toothbrush Turtle Timer to go with a sweet they may enjoy! And remind them they have to brush well to enjoy that sweet.

  4. Board gamers to use Turtle Timer when they play a game.

  5. Young adults: Remind them it’s fun to have clean teeth and a beautiful smile—brushing 2 minutes.

  6. People who stretch—do a daily stretch for 2 minutes with the Turtle Timer

How to Ease Your Budget with Toothbrushing Turtle Timer

Virginia Berman

How to use your stimulus check and ease your budget at the same time? The Turtle Timer can delight, improve oral health that may reduce dentistry costs.

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